Category: Robotic Process Automation

AppRobotic Process Automation | RPA

Learn Python Programming Visually!

Arguably the best way to learn how to program in Python is by watching your code run after each tweak, and automation macros written in Python enable us to visualize what’s going on! Build and test Python code “blocks” using EduBlocks drag-and-drop at the bottom of this page. Then, paste the resulting Python code output…
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Top 10 RPA Use Cases

While there is an unlimited number of use-cases for robotic process automation, certain business process lend themselves to higher ROI by leveraging RPA. These processes tend to be rules-based, repetitive, and large-scale. Or, simply so complex and mundane involving multiple disparate business applications that nobody wants do the task over and over. Let’s take a…
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What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

The concept behind Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is to automate business processes normally performed by human employees within enterprises. In RPA, this is realized by coding software robots. The term “software robot” or “bot” in RPA means a software application for robotic automation. These RPA software bots can run on a variety of GUI-based business…
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Brief Intro to Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation, or simply RPA, is garnering more and more media attention these days. In this post we briefly introduce the technology. First of all, what does Robotic Process Automation mean? It’s the use of software along with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to automate high-volume, repetitive tasks. If you will, call…
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