What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic Process Automation 0

The concept behind Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is to automate business processes normally performed by human employees within enterprises. In RPA, this is realized by coding software robots.

The term “software robot” or “bot” in RPA means a software application for robotic automation. These RPA software bots can run on a variety of GUI-based business applications and legacy programs, but without human intervention.

Business activities that can be automated via robotic process automation (RPA) are usually rules-based, large-scale, and iterative.

These robots can run on desktops, servers, and cloud-based virtual machines.

The goal of RPA is to boost productivity.Nearly all businesses have some regular, repetitive and important tasks that are carried out while employees are working with business applications. The total aggregate time spent by all employees of a company on such repetitive work is enormous, resulting in considerable opportunities for cost savings, enabling workers to focus on more creative tasks.

RPA robots also perform mundane, repetitive tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans. These software bots can work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and never get bored. They never get sick, with the only downtime being for scheduled maintenance.

Most importantly, there is no need to gut existing software systems or processes as RPA bots work in parallel, automating what’s already there rather than replacing it.