Automation Q&A

AppRobotic Process Automation | RPA

If you're seeing a ImportError: No module named win32com.client error while using the Python language with AppRobotic, it means that
Selenium provides the 'move_to_element' method that will scroll to the element in the DOM, and place the mouse on the
To launch Chrome with Selenium WebDriver, ensure that the path to your ChromeDriver binary download is listed in the Windows
To download all images from a given website, we can iterate through all 'img' elements, and leverage the 'urlretrieve' method
Clicking on a website link with Selenium WebDriver is a two-step process: 1) Locate the link element on the webpage
When searching for a particular link on a page, it's easy to store the link elements in a List, and
While attempting to log into Instagram using Selenium the traditional way, if you're unable to fill in the login fields,
To accept untrusted website security certificates while automating with Selenium, it's possible to set a particular option on the driver
The “win32com.client” error is due to a new Python version being installed without win32com, such as after an upgrade. To